drone aerial photography
Drone Aerial Photography
Unique angles and perspectives using Drones
Drone Aerial photography is about having vision beyond reach
Drone Aerial photography shows all the magnitude and beauty of any structure in its integrity and is an important ally of industrial photography for allowing more open perspectives.
Because it is unmanned and compact in size, it is much safer today than hiring helicopters. Places previously inaccessible, angles previously inaccessible, and movements previously unthinkable are now within our reach.
Today it is amazing how much technology is built into such small equipment, which makes it so powerful in terms of photography.
But, is it just all about photography?
Of course not! It would be a waste of such powerful equipment.
Besides photography, I also offer institutional video production services using a drone.
An important addition to industry, plant and agribusiness universe photography and widely used today.
With various sensors it is possible to photograph very close to hard to reach structures safely. Be it, machinery, equipment and industrial facilities.
Ability to fly over water and very close to it, ensuring previously unexpected and unique angles of ports, equipment, and structures saving on boat or helicopter rentals.
Flying over plantations at different altitudes allows you to see from above all the beauty of agro-industrial production. In the picture beside the wheat plantation in Machado - MG.
Brazilian aerial registry at DECEA/SARPAS
In addition to precision, skill, and visual sensitivity, it is also necessary to ensure that it complies with national and safety standards and that it is registered at Brazilian air space agencie [ DECEA/SARPAS ]. The Drone also carries liability insurance. Mandatory for commercial drone flights. With all bureaucratic issues solved, all you have to do is produce unique and enchanting images.
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